In the first episode of the “Soul Sense Podcast,” created and hosted by Timm Christophel, join Hans Ten Dam for an enlightening discussion on soul growth. This episode offers an in-depth look into the interplay between personal development and soul development, emphasizing personal mastery aspects like clear-mindedness and vitality. Explore how experiences shape wisdom, empathy, and resilience, and delve into shadow work, soul retrieval, and the transformative impact of initiation experiences. This captivating conversation is a must-listen for anyone interested in personal and spiritual development.
ACCESS TO THE FULL VERSION: Discover the first hour of the Soul Sense Podcast absolutely free, with no login necessary. To delve deeper, access the second part without any cost by creating an account with your email address. Get started on your enriching journey at and enjoy the full version with subtitles in English, German and Spanish!
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